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28 May 2011

Teen offenders given quilts instead of blankets in one of Britain's costiest jails... costing the taxpayer £7,000

Life in one of Britain's cosiest young offenders' prisons just became even nicer for inmates after they were all given duvets to sleep under - costing the taxpayer £7,000.
Teenagers held in Wetherby, West Yorkshire, already enjoy perks such as TVs, Playstations, sports and fishing. They can even have acupuncture sessions to relieve their stress. Inmates, who sleep in private cells, also have the opportunity to earn from £2.50 to £12.50 a week if they choose to work.
A Ministry of Justice spokesperson confirmed that 408 new duvets had been ordered at a total cost of £7,115.52, adding: 'New bedding has been bought by HMYOI Wetherby to replace old bedding.'


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